Delivered within 12 weeks
DM500 C15 ESS
No. 10 units under production with 12 weeks a.r.o. delivery time (ex-works).
Extra accessories can be added.
Delivered by the end of the year
Models available by the end of Dec. 2024 for orders received before 15.11.2024.
DY200 C
DM1200 C ES
DM500 C 15 ESS
These chambers are available in the basic configuration without any extra accessories have been used for R&D purposes only.
3-week delivery
The DM600 BT (S/N TT05040) is equipped with the following extra accessories:
- Sampling system for test room monitoring (Hazard Level 3...4)
- Optical / acoustic alarm + no. 4 supplementary PT100(Hazard Level 0...2) chamber H +350mm
- Oxygen monitoring sensor (Hazard Level 3...4) Dewpoint reduction up to +75°C, 5°C increase of Min. Temp., chamber H +300mm
- GN2 or compressed air purging with flowmeter (Hazard Level 3...4) 1,00
- H2 monitoring sensor (Hazard Level 3...4) Dewpoint reduction to +75°C, 5°C increase of Min. Temp., chamber H +300mm
- CO monitoring sensor (Hazard Level 3...4) Dewpoint reduction up to +75°C, 5°C increase of Min. Temp., chamber H +300mm
- Pressure relief blowout port for 500 600 l(Hazard Level 3...4) Chamber H +250 mm, Dewpoint reduction to +4°C/+90°C (5°C increase of Min. Temp.)
- CO2 protection system >340 L (Hazard Level 5...6) Dewpoint reduction to +75°C, 5°Cincrease of Min. Temp., chamber W +300mm (empty C02 bottle)